Month: December 2018

Coconut Rose Soap

I find it so relaxing to create things. Especially with all the Christmas hustle and bustle going on in the city I enjoy to slow down and dedicate time rather than money alone to my loved ones. With a few simple, organic ingredients you can make your own soap. It is super easy, inexpensive and there are no limits to your creativity as you choose your favourite ingredients,  scents and colours. These soaps make for a truly beautiful gift for the upcoming Christmas celebrations.   Coconut Rose Soap ∼ 10 Muffin Moulds ∼ 500 gr. Curd Soap 100 gr. Coconut Oil 6 Teaspoons Coconut Flakes 10 Teaspoons Rose Petals 4 Drops Essential Oil Rose   Grate the soap and melt the flakes in a water bath. The temperature should not be too high – otherwise the soap might change its color. Add the coconut oil and mix everything well. Stir in the coconut flakes and add rose oil to liking. Pour the mixture into silicone muffin moulds and immediately add a layer of rose petals, …

Playlist Winter

I made a new Yoga playlist and its perfect for the winter season! I often practice to these tunes at home, starting with a strong flow, peaking in a somewhat challenging pose like an arm balance or inversion to then dedicate the rest of my practice to a slow, smooth opening of tight muscles, ligaments and tissue. The sweet combination of Yang and Yin. Just what you need to bring some heat into cold winter days. Enjoy ♡ Playlist Winter